Jun 3, 2008

Studio Ghibli

I realized that i really like the animes from Studio Ghibli. The company was founded in 1985, and most of the animes are filmed by Hayao Miyazaki along with his colleague and mentor Isao Takahata. The music of Joe Hisashi accompanied most of the classic animes that i love so much. For my next birthday gift (or any occasion whatsoever), you can get me a Joe Hisashi movie symphony album. It will be GREAT!!! haha.....Anyway, these below are the animes that i had watched so far...

Laputa: Castle in the sky

Watched this recently on Tudou. What a great website to catch so many classic animes from Studio Ghibli. The love between the 2 young characters are so sweet.....

My neighbor Totoro

Watched this for one of my class in the Japanese post war anime module in NUS. Marc commented that i am Totoro and he is the girl.....Ooookkaayyyyyy....

Spirited away

The very first film i watched from Studio Ghibli. Up to now i can still watch it and be lost in the magical land of ghosts and dragons. I love the soundtrack of the movie too! Currently my message ring-tone is the theme of Spirited away.

Princess Mononoke

Was highly recommended by Sam, and i didn't regret watching the movie. This movie's music is THE BEST from Joe Hisashi so far.

Howl's moving castle

Watched this in the cinema.

Grave of the fireflies

This has got to be the saddest film i had ever watched. Watched this in the Japanese post war film module in NUS too and at the end of the film, almost everyone was like crying when the song 'Home sweet home' was playing. This film portrays how children suffered during World War 2.

These films from Studio Ghibli gave me so many beautiful memories and introduced me to the wonderful music of Joe Hisashi. I really hope that in the future, more of such classic animes will be produced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I really like his animations too :) You have to visit the Studio Ghibli in Tokyo if you ever come to Japan man.. I recommend this one as well: Kiki's Delivery Service